LOW Industries

Captcha plugin for
"The Excellent" tip jar

To keep bots and idle people away from your tip jars
LOW Industries - Captcha plugin for 'The Excellent' Tip Jar


  • This plugin allows you to check if the users of your Tip Jars are away from the keyboard, or if they are bots, by adding a captcha engine to your devices.
  • The plugin periodically opens a popup menu with the captcha test and 9 answers: if the users fail the test (or if the timer expires), they are automatically logged out.
  • You can configure the amount of time the users of the Tip Jar have to answer.
  • The captcha can be set to be performed only if the user of the Tip Jar never talks in the local chat.
  • You can choose between two levels of difficulty of the test.


This is a plugin for 'The Excellent' Tip Jar (sold separately). It can not be used as a standalone.

Manual & Resources

  1. Install and configure ‘The Excellent’ Tip Jar;
  2. Drop the script of the Captcha plugin into the content of the Tip Jar;
  3. Open the Configuration notecard of the Tip Jar and set the parameter named CAPTCHA to a number bigger than 0.
  4. Reset the Tip Jar.

Done! The users of your Tip Jar will periodically be required to answer a simple question they will see on their screen. If they don’t give the correct answer, they will be automatically logged out.

LOW Industries - Captcha plugin for 'The Excellent' Tip Jar - Popup

Copy the following parameters at the end of the configuration notecard of the Tip Jar, if you need to deeply configure the Captcha plugin.

CAPTCHA_TIMER: Set a number between 10 and 50 to adjust the timer the user of the tip jar has to select the right answer when the captcha dialog appears. [Default value = 30]

CHAT_CHECK: Write YES if you want to prevent the captcha check from being performed if the user of the Tip Jar talks in the local chat. Otherwise write no. [Default value = NO]

EASY_CAPTCHA: Write YES if you want to make the captcha test easier, with a standard lowercase font and less options to choose from. Otherwise write NO. [Default value = NO]


v 1.4

  • It’s now possible to make the captcha test easier, with a standard lowercase font and less options to choose from.
  • Minor bugs solved.

v 1.3

  • The plugin is now fully compatible with ‘The Excellent’ Tip Jar v 4.
  • It’s now possible to enable the CHAT_CHECK feature, which prevents the captcha check to be performed if the user of the Tip Jar talks in the local chat.

v 1.2

  • It’s now possible to configure how much time the user has to select the right answer when the captcha dialog appears.

v 1.1

  • The Captcha plugin now includes free lifetime updates! When available, new versions are automatically sent to the owner of the plugin: they can be requested through the menu of the Tip Jar.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Tip Jar to say in chat the timer between the captcha checks.
  • Fixed a bug that caused too frequent checks when the timer was set to ‘RANDOM’.

v 1.0

  • First version for sale.