“The Excellent” Tip Jar can be configured to share the money earned by the user of the device with its owner and up to other 5 avatars.
Splitting money between the logged user and the owner of “The Excellent” Tip Jar
COMMISSION is the parameter used to define the percentage of money that is given to the owner of the Tip Jar.
If #COMMISSION = 20, the user of the device earns 80% of each tip, because 20% is kept by the owner.
If #COMMISSION = 50, half of the money donated to the user of the Tip Jar is shared with the owner of the device.
If the user of the Tip Jar is wearing the tag of the group the Tip Jar is assigned to, COMMISSION will be ignored: the owner earns the percentage defined through GROUP_COMMISSION.
If #COMMISSION = 20 and #GROUP_COMMISSION = 0, the users of the Tip Jar earn 80% of the tips, if they are not group members. On the other hand, the users of the device earn 100% of the tips, if they are members of the group and are wearing the right tag.
Splitting the tips between the user, the owner and other avatars
PARTNERS and PERCENTS are the parameters used to give other people a part of the money earned by the owner (as defined in the paragraph above).
The PARTNERS are the avatars that receive the money, while PERCENTS define how much money the partners earn.
To define the PARTNERS, you need to know the uuid key of each avatar you want to give the money to (we sell an affordable device that finds the uuid keys of the avatars).
Once the PARTNERS are set, you have to enter the percentage of money earned by them.
PERCENT_1 is the percentage of money earned by the avatar identified through PARTNER_1; PERCENT_2 is the percentage of money earned by the avatar identified through PARTNER_2, and so on.
Note that the percentages here defined don’t refer to the full amount of money paid to the Tip Jar, but only to the money earned by the owner of the device through the parameters COMMISSION and GROUP_COMMISSION!
Let’s suppose that #COMMISSION = 20 and PERCENT_1 = 50.
If someone tips L$100, the owner of the Tip Jar earns L$20, but 50% of this commission (L$10) is shared with the partner 1.
So the registered user earns L$80, the owner earns L$10 and the partner 1 earns L$10.
If you set #COMMISSION = 0 and PERCENT_1 = 20, the owner of the device earns nothing, exactly like the partner 1!
To give 0% to the owner and 20% to the partner 1, you have to set #OWNER_COMMISSION = 20 and PERCENT_1 = 100 (which means that the commission of the owner is set to 20%, but 100% of this commission is given to the partner).