"The Great" Greeter
Welcomes, invites, helps.

- ‘The Great’ Greeter welcomes your guests via POP-UP or IM (visible in the chat).
- The Greeter can detect new guests when they collide with the device or by scanning a defined area between 1 and 95 meters or by checking the whole parcel.
- The Greeter can attach a notecard and/or a landmark both to the IMs and to the pop-ups.
- The Greeter can also send a folder with miscellaneous items to the new guests.
- The Greeter can ask the guests to open a group profile to join your group.
- It can say to the new guests the number of visits you received.
- It can send you notifications about the new visitors.
- You can set up to 5 managers, to be alerted when there is a new visitor.
- You can get a list with the names of the last 10 visitors.
- You can get the number of visits you received during the current day and since the moment the Greeter was restarted.
- ‘The Great’ Greeter is completely spamless.
- Compatible with the Group Inviter Plugin, powered by SmartBots (sold separately), to send direct invitations to your guests.
Manual & Resources
Basic installation guide
- Rez the Greeter;
- Edit the configuration notecard in the content of the Greeter (read well the included instructions and set the configuration parameters as you prefer);
- Save the notecard and wait until the end of the initialization. Done!
If you want the Greeter to give a landmark and/or a notecard to your guests, simply drop it/them into the device!
Set longer welcome messages
If you set a too long message to greet your guests, the script might cap it.
To write a longer text, you can add to the configuration notecard the following string:
Then replace NONE with the second part of your message. Nobody will notice it 😉
Restrict the greeter to a floor of a multi-storey building
The script can’t use a square bounding box sensor, so the Greeter may interfere with the other floors of the building.
To restrict the Greeter to a floor, you can make it flat and stretch it so that it covers the area you want to scan, then set #SENSOR_RANGE = 0.
Finally, make the Greeter invisible by using the “Edit” tools of your viewer.
The avatars that walk on the device will be greeted.
Change log
v 3.0.1
- Fixes a bug that caused The Great Greeter not to work with the SmartBots plugin.
v 3.0
- “The Great” Greeter has a new shape! A more detailed appearance that matches the style of the other devices from LOW Industries, with the same prim count of the older versions (1 prim).
- The Greeter can now be set to scan the whole parcel and the sky above.
- It’s now possible to send the guests a folder with a customized name, that includes miscellaneous items.
- The Greeter does not reset the scripts everytime it is rezzed.
- A bug that caused mistakes in the count of the visitors was fixed.
- The Show/Hide button was removed from the menu. Was it really needed?
- ApexBots are no more supported.
- Includes better instructions, link to the online manual and a new update system.
- Performance of the scripts improved.
v 2.1
- The Greeter can now be set so that it never greets the members of a group.
- The name of the guests in the notifications can now be clicked, so it is easier to see the profile of the visitors.
- New plugin (sold separately)! Your bot from ApexBots can now be connected to your Greeter, to greet and invite your guests to join your group.
- Little bugs were destroyed.
v 2.0.2
- A bug that caused some problems with the ‘Get folder’ button has been fixed.
v 2.0.1
- New feature: The welcome message can now be longer. See the Readme notecard for more info.
- Solved some mistakes in the configuration notecard that caused a problem of the sensor.
- Solved a problem in the text of the popup, when choosing the button “< Back” after requesting the notecard or the landmark.
v 2.0
- Mesh! The new Greeter has a mesh body: a more detailed appearance with the same prim count.
- When the Greeter is set to give its content inside a folder, the folder no longer uses the name of the land: it uses the name of the device (so you can change it).
- The welcome messages can now be made of more than one line of text.
- The welcome messages now use the display names of the avatars instead of the old usernames.
- The lists of the visitors are now restarted every day: the script will use less memory and, if the no-spam option is active, people will be greeted one time per day.
- Small bugs fixed and performance improved.
v 1.3.2
- Bug fix: It has been solved a problem that prevented the managers to see the lists of the last visitors.
v 1.3.1
- New feature: The Greeter can now dispense a folder containing many notecards, landmarks and objects, to be given to the guests in place of the single landmark and notecard.
- Minor bugs and mistakes fixed.
v 1.3
- New feature: The Greeter is now able to greet everyone who clicks on it.
- New feature: The pop-up messages can now contain a button to ask the group invitation.
- New feature: It is now possible to create a list of people that will never been greeted nor counted.
- Bug fix: The Greeter now doesn’t restart automatically when the configuration changes, the owner will be asked to decide if reset the scripts.
- Bug fix: Solved a problem that caused the Greeter to stop working in crowd sims.
- Minor bugs fixed.
v 1.2
- New feature: The range of scansion can now be interrupted at the limits of the parcel, to avoid disturbing the neighbors.
v 1.1
- New feature: The owner can add up to 5 managers, that will be notified when new visitors are detected by the Greeter.
- Added compatibility with the Group Inviter Plugin, powered by SmartBots.
- Minor bugs and mistakes fixed.
v 1.0.1
- The Greeter can now be updated via menu, if a new version is available.
- The Greeter prim can now be renamed.
- Minor bugs and mistakes fixed.
v 1.0
- First version for sale.