LOW Industries

"The Sly" Security Central

Takes security to the next level
LOW Industries - The Sly Security Central


  • ‘The Sly’ Security Central is a plugin for ‘The Sly’ Security System.
  • The Security Central allows the owner of the Security System to add avatars to the Black list or to the White list of all their connected Security Cams, with a few clicks.
  • The Security Central keeps your community safe! It can be configured to let everyone, or a selected group of avatars, to “report” griefers. Once a griefer is reported a set number of times by other avatars, they will be added to the Black list of all the connected Security Cams.


This is a plugin for 'The Sly' Security System (sold separately). It can't be used as a standalone.

Manual & Resources

  1. Rez ‘The Sly’ Security Central and edit the configuration notecard inside it (read well the included instructions and set the configuration parameters as you prefer). Remember to create a SECURITY_CENTRAL_KEY of your choice: it will be used to connect the Security Central to the Security Cams.
  2. Save the configuration notecard and let the device initialize.
  3.  Rez and set up ‘The Sly’ Security System (it’s sold separately from this plugin),by following its installation guide.
  4. Write, in the configuration notecard of all the Security Cams you want to connect to the Security Central, the SECURITY_CENTRAL_KEY you generated in step 1.
  5.  Save the configuration notecard of the Security Cams. Done!

Only the owner of the Security Central can add avatars to the Black list and the White list of the Security Cams.

To do that:

  1. Be sure the Security Central is connected to  one or more Security Cams (refere to the paragraph “Basic installation guide”);
  2. Click on the Security Central;
  3. Click on “Black list” or on “White list”;
  4. Choose the button with the name of the avatar you want to add to the list.
  5. If the name of the avatar is not displayed between the buttons, you can manually add their name by clicking on “NAME >”*.

* Note you have to use the so called “legacy name” of the avatar. Legacy names are made of name + surname (or name + Resident, for avatars without a surname).

The owner of the device can make this feature available to everyone, or to a restricted group.

TIP: If your place is often crowded but you can’t always be there to make it completely safe from griefers and trolls, your guests will be able to use the Security Central to report the troublemakers. After an avatar is reported a configurable number of times, they are added to the Black list of all the Security Cams you connected to the Security Central.

To report a griefer:

    1. Click on the Security Central;
      • The owner of the device also needs to click on the “Report” button while other avatars allowed to use the Security Central will directly see the “Report” menu.
    2.  Choose the button with the name of the avatar to report.
    3. If the name of the avatar is not displayed between the buttons, it’s possible to manually write it by clicking on “NAME >”.

The following rules make the Security Central completely safe, by avoiding the device to be used by griefers to blacklist quiet people.

  • The Security Central must be owned by the same owner of the Security System.
  • Nobody can be reported twice the same avatar.
  • The same avatar can not make more than three of the last five reports.
  • More copies of the Security Central can be connected to the same Security System, but they won’t share the same list of reported people. So, to be considered a griefer, an avatar must collect the configured number of reports via the same Security Central.

v 1.0

  • First version for sale.